coronavirus (covid-19) update
We will begin meeting at JM on Sunday 3/14 at 10a.
Requirements for meeting Indoors:
Masks must be worn for the duration of your worship service indoors unless:
Children are under the age of 2. Children between ages 2-5 years old are encouraged to wear masks in public if they can reliably do so while staying compliant to the CDC guidance on how to wear face coverings.
People who have medical or health conditions, disabilities or mental health, developmental or behavioral needs that make it difficult to tolerate wearing a face covering.
Any person who has trouble breathing.
Facemasks can be temporarily removed while eating or drinking (if 6 feet physical distance can be maintained from those who are not in the same party), while participating in baptisms, while communicating with someone who is deaf, when testifying, speaking, or performing (speaking presentation or with music, given that 6 feet of physical distance is allowed)
Those who cannot wear masks will be encouraged to watch online or stay physically distanced from those around them
1 or more signs will be posted, instructing people to wear their masks
Physical distancing of 6 feet between parties will be required. Seats will be blocked off in the auditorium to indicate that requirement.
We will be working with the school to make sure regular cleaning is happening before and after services.
Hand sanitizer will be available for use
Minimal contact with others: we are not encouraging any hugs, high-fives or fist bumps during this time. We will not be passing along a physical offering bag, Bibles, etc. until notified by the MN Government that it is safe to do so, so please consider giving or taking notes online and bring your own Bible.
Finally, please consider those around you by staying home if you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell. Please also stay home if you have been exposed to someone who has those symptoms or if you have been exposed to someone with the Coronavirus in the last 14 days. Staff and leaders may refuse to let someone attend service who appears to have any of the above symptoms.