January 2020 Update
The elders, staff and members of Harvest celebrated the church’s 8th anniversary this Fall. Along with that celebration, some other memorable Fall/Winter events were the Fall Launch & Ministry Fair, a week of Prayer in September, the Elder Retreat, a visit from Integrus Leadership, a member’s meeting, many small group trainings for upcoming leaders and coaches, a baptism service, a new couple stepping up to lead the prayer ministry, and the Christmas service and celebrations. Additionally, the elders also decided to change the name of Harvest Rochester, to Lift Church, effective in 2020.
This Fall/Winter, the elders met on Sept. 4, Sept. 18th, Oct. 2nd, Oct. 9th, Oct. 23rd, Nov. 13th, Nov. 22nd, Dec. 4th, and Dec. 11th.
The elders have continued shepherding the people who call Harvest their home by praying fervently, answering questions, and meeting with individuals. The elders have together been studying Dr. Stuart Scott’s book, From Pride to Humility: A Biblical Perspective, to continually walk in humility as they seek God and lead this church.
Steve and Kimberly Deedrick went to a counseling intensive with Dan Turner in September. It was a wonderful time of vulnerability, forgiveness, and healing. Dan Turner shared his report of this visit with the other elders at a follow-up meeting in November.
Due to a request for rest in this season of challenge, Kendall Koens has agreed with the elders to a 6-month leave from elder meetings.
The budget for 2020 has been discussed and approved by the elders. They have also agreed to partner with the Highpoint Send Network for a year. Job postings have been posted online, per approval from the elders.
As the elders continue praying for and pursuing alignment for the members at Lift, they ask you to consider these questions:
Can you follow the leadership that God has in place for this church?
If you’re unsure that you can follow this leadership, how can we help you decide?
Lyle Wells did a coaching visit for the elders and staff this Fall. This coaching was focused around promoting unity and growth among the leadership teams as well as setting goals for 2020.
As the elders have prayed and sought wisdom through coaching during this season, they want to remind this church body that we are the body of Christ. Each of you play a part in this body, and we are stronger together than we are apart.
“…deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.” -Matthew 16:24
We as leaders are sinners saved by grace, no different than any of you. We want to be a church of vulnerability and grace. There continues to be a heaviness of disunity over the church, and we’re praying for and calling an end to it. If you want to be part of an imperfect church family, we’d love to have you here.
Joy, patient endurance, and unity among the staff, volunteers, and elders as we carry a heavier load until additional staff are hired.
God’s Spirit to move in our community. Many are without hope and we want to proclaim the hope that is found in Jesus to those who come into our lives. Let us be ambassadors for the King in daily life and may His Spirit draw in those who need him on Sunday morning as well.
*This is an update for September – December 2019